٩◔̯◔۶ Web 3.0 slept with my wife

Feeds: RSS, JSON

Flipboard’s Surf app is a feed reader for the fediverse - The Verge:

McCue’s best explanation of Surf’s big theory is this: in a decentralized social world, the internet will be less about websites and more about feeds.

He who controls the feeds controls the (social) web.

This is interesting. It’s almost like we have two new layers in the internet technology stack. We have the computational layer, or as I like to call it, The Computational Web— infrastructure, AI, recommendation engines, etc.—controlled by four hyperscalers. My bet is Meta will get in the game soon and quickly become the de facto cloud infrastructure for the social web (regulatory capture, and all that).

Then, we have the “App View” layer—aggregated feeds from decentralized ecosystems. Maybe Meta gets into this space, maybe not. With Meta funding the Social Web Foundation and the newly formed A New Social, it seems like Zuck is content with giving up this layer in exchange for other considerations and loyalties.

So the question is, who controls the advertising networks for all the decentralized feed apps? AKA, who will profit from the art you post to your personal websites?