٩◔̯◔۶ Web 3.0 slept with my wife

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Remember NEWT TWITTER? It was born from this tweet:

What if we all just migrate over to the same google doc —@\DJWeduwen, Oct. 2022

It was around then, we all kind of knew Musk would eventually shit the bed. So for a brief moment, some of us migrated to an open Google Doc named NEW TWITTER. It was cool for a bit, then the yatizs arrived, and the doc went read-only.

It goes to show us, it doesn’t take much for people to form a commune. Building a little digital community can be simple; sustainable even, so long as it remains small.

It’s the moderation at scale that’s hard.

Admins who protect their little digital green spaces aren’t breaking the tenets of the internet. Those spaces are the manifestation of the web simply by existing. It’s the land in which we build on that must remain open for all. Communities should govern according to their means.

And this is why, I’m launching an Excel spread— jk.