٩◔̯◔۶ Web 3.0 slept with my wife

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I’m using defined tags to filter my public bookmarks. Posts with lots of ads will be tagged as “adicles.”

The “posts” tag is exclusive to personal “sites.” “Articles” come from “orgs” and “agencies,” so forth, and so on.

Occasionally, I’d like to share a piece from a big publication, like: As We May Think (1945) by Vannevar Bush for The Atlantic.

Because of all the ads, that page is not a “post” or an “article” in fromjason land. It’s a piece of revenue-generating content with a degraded reading experience (of no fault of the author, obviously).

So, I’m adding an “adicle” tag for such occasions.

Adicles exist solely to generate ad revenue with no considerations for the reading experience (or substance in many cases). Still, some adicles contain writing worth a share. I’ll just be sure to label it what it is: ads with a splash of prose.